Die 6 kleinen Steinunn’s Frühlingsboten –
Steinunn’s S- Litter – sind am 25. Februar 2022 geboren.
2 Buben und 4 Mädels
Steinunn’s Dimmanótt got her 6 puppies last Friday. But yesterday morning we took the little one of the Chocolates to sleep… she has had a cleft at the soft palate. I’m so sad about it, perhaps I fed too late folic acid… the 25th day of pregnancy is the sensible phase for it I know now. I fed these supplements about the fourth week. That was maybe too late… The other ones are Vet- checked and all healthy. The little Chocolate- sister will be always in our hearts. She will blinkle as a little Spring star and smile at her siblings 💕⭐