Steinunn’s Ymur

Steinunn’s Ymur – Welpe 4  – male


Icelandic name
From Old Norse ymr = ‚humming sound‘, related to ymja = ‚to whine‘, ‚to cry‘ (see also Ymir[1]


1) Dynur, hávaði, gnýr.  Bergmál.
2) Donner, tiefes Dröhnen.  Echo.
Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Ymur: 5

Creme, Broad Collar, White Blaze, Black Nose, White Belly, White Front Legs, White Hind Paws, White Tail Tip

Hind feet with double dewclaws
Birthweight 310 gram

Here at the age of 2 weeks