Steinunn’s Jódís

Steinunn’s Jódís – Welpe 2 – female

Icelandic Old Norse Icelandic Names

Old Norse name
1) Combination of  and DIS

Name elementFrequency of occurance as female name todayFrequency of occurance as male name today
Germanic name element
Ancient Germanic: *ehwaz_= ‚horse‘
Old Norse: iór = ‚horse‘
jór = ‚horse‘
jór = ‚horse‘ (poetic)
jōr = ‚horse‘ (poetic)
Gothic: aíƕa- = ‚horse‘ (poetic)
Old High German: eha- = ‚horse‘ (poetic)

Name elementFrequency of occurance as female name todayFrequency of occurance as male name today
Germanic name element which is closely related to the name element ID and to Sanskrit dhisaná = ‚female deity‘
Old Norse: dís = ‚female deity‘
dís = ‚Norse goddess‘
dis = ‚wise woman‘, ’seeress‘
dîs = ‚goddess‘
dís = ‚lady‘ (in poetry)
dís = ‚woman‘, ‚lady‘
dis = ‚woman‘, ‚virgin‘
dís = ‚woman‘, ’sister‘
Gothic: deisei = ‚wisdom‘
deis = ‚wise‘
Old High German: itis = ‚woman‘, ‚virgin‘
itis = ‚wise woman‘, ’seeress‘

2) Variant form of Jóðdís [3]


1)  Gamalt norrænt kvenmannsnafn samsett af „Jó-“ = hestur og „-dís“ = gyðja, yfirnáttúruleg kvenvera. 2) Systir á gömlu skáldamáli
2)  Alter nordischer Frauenname zusammengesetzt aus „Jó-“ = Pferd und „-dís“ = Fee. 2) Schwester (alte Dichersprache
Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Jódís: 300

Dark brown, white chest, white zig-zag-marking all over the head and neck,
small white blaze, white paws, white tail-tip

Hind feet with double dewclaws
Birthweight 328 gram

14. März 2020
Family trio ☘☘☘ 



17. April 2020