Steinunn’s Bjarki

Steinunn’s Bjarki – Welpe 2 – male

Icelandic Icelandic Names

Male Male Name

1) Old Norse, Faroese and Icelandic pet form of Biǫrn (=bear cub) (see also -ki[1] [2] [3]



1) Karlmynd nafnsins „Björk“ = birkitré.
1)Männliche Form des Namens „Björk“ = Birke.
Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Bjarki: 304

Red Piebald, half white collar on the right side, white chest, white blaze, white forelegs, white hind paws, white tail-tip

Hind feet with double dewclaws
Birthweight 174 gram