Steinunn’s Ronja 

Steinunn’s Ronja – Welpe 2 – female
Here at the age of 4 weeks

Icelandic Icelandic Names
Origin and Meaning

1) Fantasy name from the children’s book ‚Ronja Rövardotter‘ (1981; English title: ‚Ronia, the Robber’s daughter‘) by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, who got the idea for that name searching through a map of northern Scandinavia finding a lake with the Sami name Juronjaure.
Another theory is that Astrid Lindgren got the idea for the name from a Laplander’s hut named Anironiarekåtan

Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Ronja: 338

Piebald, Red with a great amount of white, but both eyes and ears coloured (so no health issues)

Hind paws with double dewclaws
Birthweight 206 gram

What a striking resemblance of her father Fox Meadow Hjalmberi Lokisson!