Steinunn’s Sölvi

Steinunn’s Sölvi – Welpe 2  – male
Here at the age of 7 weeks

Icelandic Icelandic Names
Origin and Meaning

Icelandic younger spelling of Sǫlvi [1] [2]

Old Norse name,
1) Combination of SOL and VI
sól = ’sun‘

Ancient Germanic: *weik-_= ’separate‘, ‚detach‘
*wīha-_= ‚holy‘
*-wīhō_= (female) ‚fighter‘
*-wīhō_= (female) (pagan) ‚priest‘

Old Norse:
vé = ‚home‘, ‚temple‘, ’sanctuary‘
vé = ‚devoted‘, ‚dedicated‘
vīgja = ‚to consecrate‘ (in heathen sense)
vígja = ‚to consecrate‘ (in heathen sense)
2) Variant form of *Sǫlvér

2) Old Norse sǫlr = ‚yellow, pale‘ [1] [3] [2]

1) Fornt norrænt karlmannsnafn

1) Alter nordischer Männername
Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Sölvi: 270

Red Piebald, dark muzzle with a tiny white spot, white breast
Head is nicely coloured, white tail tip

Hind paws with double dewclaws
Birthweight 312 gram