Steinunn’s Sól

Steinunn’s Sól – Welpe 6  – female
Here at the age of 7 weeks

Icelandic Icelandic Names
Origin and Meaning

Icelandic and Faroese form of Sol (see also Sól[1]

Ancient Germanic: (a) *salaz_= ‚house with one room‘, ‚big room‘, ‚hall‘
(a) *saliz_= ‚house with one room‘, ‚big room‘, ‚hall‘
(b) *sôwila_= ’sun‘
(b) *sôwlô_= ’sun‘

Old Norse: (a) salr = ‚house with one room‘, ‚big room‘, ‚hall‘
(b) sól = ’sun‘
(b) sôl = ’sun‘

1) Aðal hnöttur sólkerfisins.

1) Sonne
Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Sól: 4183

Originally Icie- Red  with a small white chest, right paw white,
little white toes on all paws and a charismatic character!

Hind paws with double dewclaws
Birthweight 290 gram