Steinunn’s Vígnir

Steinunn’s Vígnir – Welpe 1  – male
Very nice male puppy with an excellent bone structure and a good temperament

Here at the age of 3 weeks

Icelandic Icelandic Names
Origin and Meaning

Old Norse

Old Norse name
1) Old Norse vígja = ‚to consecrate (in a heathen sense)‘ (see VI)
2) Old Norse víg = ‚battle, fight‘ (see VIG)


1)Jötunnheiti. Eitt af heitum Þórs
2)Name für ein Riesen. Eins der Namen von Þór aus der altnordischen Mythologie..
Anzahl in WorldFengur registrierter Pferde mit dem Namen Vignir: 216

Red with a white blaze, white chest and belly,
left foreleg white, white right paw and hind paws

Hind paws with double dewclaws
Birthweight 332 gram