Steinunn´s Lína / Linnea
Steinunn´s Lína / Linnea – Welpe 3 – female
Icelandic spelling of Lina (see also -lína) [1]
2) Female form of Linus [3]
Younger spelling of Linnæa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Linnæa borealis is the Latin name of the twinflower (flower). It was named after the Swedish botanist Carl Ingemarsson (born 23 May 1707), who named himself Carolus Linnæus on his journeys, Linnæus being a Latinisation of the Swedish word lind = ‚linden tree‘ (see LIND). When he was ennobled, his last name was changed again: Carl von Linné. [2]In Sweden, every province has got its own ‚province-flower‘ (landskapsblomma), and linnæa borealis is the flower of Småland, which was Linnæus‘ home landscape.
Like a little twin of her sister
Red with a small white-collar, white blaze,
white forelegs and a white breast and belly,
white hind paws and a little white tail tip
Hind paws with double dewclaws
Birthweight 310 gram
20. Juni 2020