+++B-litter in progress+++ C-Vadi aus Vinkona mated with Isdalur´s Gáska +++
+++ Breaking news +++
+++20.12.2015 Isdalur´s Gáska is mated by C-Vadi aus Vinkona +++
+++Happy, happy happy ! +++ Expected date of litter 20th February 2016+++
C-Vadi aka „Mogli“ – der Schatz einer großen Familie mit
3 fröhlichen Kindern, Hundekumpel, Pferden, Katze und einem trubeligen Alltag !
Pedigree of the expected litter:
This gorgeous boy C-Vadi aus Vinkona
(owner Birgit Becker, breeder Manuela Dossinger)
is waiting for Isdalur´s Gáska!
Wow! Puppy counting at Tiergesundheitszentrum Grußendorf
6. Feburar 2016 – Puppy-belly..day 49 out of 63.
We are going for X-ray next week!
The mating was very easy.
We mated them twice times on succeeding days (20th and 21th December).
(They were really „hanging“, couldn´t photgraph this,
because we had to hold them a little while…)
C-Vadi aus Vinkona is already having nice offsprings !
Here the B-litter October 2015 – Kennel Blóm Túninu.
So we are waiting hopefully.
So ein Hübscher !
C-Vadi aus Vinkona (owner Birgit Becker, breeder Manuela Dossinger)