Runestone Toblerone

Today I sadly share that Runestone Toblerone „Tobi“ has crossed the Rainbow Bridge to join his sire Multi-Champion Isi Kaffisukkolathi „Kaffi“ and his uncle Isi Kappusino „Kappu“ who also passed away this month. Tobi was just 3 weeks shy of his 14th birthday. I hope the three are swapping tales of their conquests – of chasing birds, squirrels and ground hogs, wrangling unruly sheep, battling coyotes and deer, debating just who really is the most handsome and pridefully bragging of their offspring; all while being fed from the tables in Valhalla.
Tobi was bred by Elaine Mozur and Dolores Porrino of Runestone Icelandics. He belonged to my father, Joe Secondino and sired 5 litters with his puppies traveling across the USA, Canada and the Netherlands, he now has grand offspring who stretch across those borders. He was a wonderful companion who sired AKC Champions and performance dogs, his grandchildren have gone on to become Search and Rescue dogs, become top performance dogs in the USA and have earned Championships in Europe.
The hill my father lives on is a much quieter place now.