Feif Trainer Level 1 – Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Hannah!

Hannah_november2011 Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Hannah!

Ein kleiner Facebook- Eintrag von Hannah: „Feif Trainer Level 1 (Trainer C) bestanden :)“

Creekside Farm, USA:
Trainer level 1 and 2 course

„The trainer level 1 and 2 course, which was initially planned for one week only had 5 participants. All 5 were able to commit to an additional week and the cost for flying in a tester was shared evenly. We were able to complete the course and for the first time ever had a 100% success rate, everyone passed.
The course was also used for audits and some existing trainers were able to use parts of the course for continued education.
It was hard work but we all had fun.“

„USIHC Trainer Certification
Based on the FEIF Trainer Matrix, the United States Icelandic Horse Congress now has a tool available to offer a certification in the US. The trainer education is based on a program developed and acknowledged by all signing FEIF member countries and ensures a certain quality standard from participants completing the program.“
Certified Trainers and Instructors in the US: …
Hannah Hofmann
411 Old Post Road
Madison, GA 30650
(706) 347-4969
FEIF International Trainer Level 1
Certified in United States