18. August 2015

Sælli is gifted in music !

Short Report from Carolin: Sælli gifted in music !  :-) 
Saelli has no problem with Sörens piano – and he strikes the keys really hard …
And when playing the cello Sælli was sitting under Sören’s chair and was playing with the string of the wooden cello-board and eying eagerly interested at the bottom side of the cello – especially when the cello sounds in the deep tones .  And Sören has played the first concert by Saint -Saens, so was not too soft. No howling Duo  ;- )

18. August 2015

As times go by

Yesterday the first puppy is gone.. very mixed feelings..
Steinunn´s Ársæll with his wonderful familiy – here Sören, Carolin and Eric.
It´s so wonderful, because it will be a very musicial surrounding.
Sören is an ambitious and talented young violoncello-player gets his education at the
Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover,
where also my daughter Miriam Tanase was studying.
Sören got already a third price in the finals at „Bundeswettbewerb Jugend musiziert“!
So Ársæll had to stand the sound of a cello and also piano!
Perhaps they can play a duo with a howling dog.. we will see …;-)
Eric is so wonderful with dogs! They will have a lot of fun together – Eric and Sælli!
.. and it´s obviously, Sælli is a heartbreaker for Carolin .. a curl in a woman´s hair  😉

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16. August 2015

Wurfabnahme…“Lebhaft und zugänglich“…. :-)

Formular leider mit Wasserschaden..
Das Dach hat den Wasserfluten nicht standgehalten,
hat doch echt ins Büro reingetröpfelt,

auf den Scanner/Drucker und Schreibtisch…


16. August 2015

It has somewhat of a polar bear rug…

It has somewhat of a polar bear rug…
Steinunn´s Ægír in relaxing position… 😉


12. August 2015

Welpen- Check !

Steinunn´s A litter at the vet.. getting their vaccine and vet- check.
All are healthy and the boys are real boys..  😉



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11. August 2015

Gewichtsentwicklung Steinunn´s A- Wurf

Soo, noch den Papierkram sortieren zur Wurfabnahme..
Habe die Gewichtsdaten mal in eine ordentliche Tabelle gepackt.. 😉


11. August 2015

Finally the pedigree of the A- litter.. ;-)

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10. August 2015

Fitting !

Steinunn´s Ársaell
Anprobe für die große Reise in einer Woche
… und es sitzt …


8. August 2015

Wasser und Matsch….. Steinunn´s A- Wurf

Video „Water and mud.. Steinunn´s A- litter“


6. August 2015

The King and his court… ;-)

Video – The King and his court… 😉
