„Over the moon“ Lahn- Dill- Schau 2018

„Over the moon“
Lahn- Dill Schau 2018
Zweimal den Hattrick…. und mehr…
Mit 3 Hunden gestartet – jeweils an beiden Tagen jede ihrer Gruppen gewonnen
Steinunn´s Címni im Ehrenring 2 mal platziert
Kári aka Afar Hvitur „Bester Islandhund – BOB“ bei einer Konkurrenz von 19 Hunden!

28. April 2018
Steinunn’s Dimmanótt – Best Puppy Excellent 1 VV1
Steinunn’s Címni – Best Youth Excellent 1 V1 CAC – Ring of Honour 3rd place! 
Kári aka Afar Hvitur – Champion Excellent 1 V1, Res CAC 

29. April 2018
Steinunn´s Dimmanótt- Best Female Puppy and Best Puppy Excellent 1 VV1
(Steinunn´s Djarfur- Best Male Puppy Excellent 1 VV1 Owner Monika Grüter )
Steinunn´s Címni – Best Youth Excellent 1 V1 CAC, Ring of Honour 4th place !
Kári aka Afar Hvitur – Champion Excellent V1 CAC BOB!
Thank you, Reinhard and Monika for your assistance and for your first handling of Steinunn’s Címni in the final, where I had to go with 2 dogs …. both have won…

On the top:
Best Of Breed für Afar Hvitur aka Kári!
Vater des kommenden E-Wurfes!!!

Steinunn´s Kennel – Very, very proud or to say … „Over the moon“ 
Lahn- Dill- Schau 2018
Afar Hvitur aka Kári  
Champion Excellent 1 CAC Best of Breed ( out of 19 dogs)
Champion Excellent 1 – Res CAC (out of 14 dogs)

Steinunn´s Djarfur aka Snorre  
Lahn- Dill- Schau 29. April 2018 
Best Male Puppy Excellent 1 VV1